Download emule search
Download emule search

Save 5 sources on rare files (20 or less sources).Fast eD2k links handler at the bottom of every page (can be disabled on Preferences).Other utilities such as CAS, wxCAS, aLC, XAS, AMPS, etc.

download emule search

  • Slot allocation allows you to specify to how many clients you wish to upload to at once.
  • aMuleWeb for browser interface and amulwebDLG is a graphical interface to aMuleWeb.
  • download emule search

    aMule Remote GUI to control your aMule remotely as if you where in front of it.A long time before the arrival of video and music streaming services, with Netflix, HBO, YouTube, and. Run a bare aMule client with no graphical interface and very low CPU and memory usage Some years ago, eMule was the reference P2P exchange program, the ideal software to download to our PC all sorts of videos, songs, albums, and video games.Complete External Connections protocol from scratch.Improved checks against aggressive clients.aMule is built upon the wxWidgets (formely wxWindows) toolkit, which enables it to support multiple platforms. aMule is entirely free, it's sourcecode released under the GPL just like eMule, and includes no adware or spyware as is often found in proprietary P2P applications. CCleaner is a freeware software optimization and privacy application for Microsoft Windows. aMule is an eMule-like client for the eD2k and Kademlia networks, supporting multiple platforms. About CCleaner : CCleaner also know as Crap Cleaner, removes Unwanted files quickly and easily from your computer.

    Download emule search